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Olive Grove Financial Advice Case Study

Bill was drawn to Asendium because of the team’s real-world experience and interest in understanding and solving the problems he faced today.


Financial planners, paraplanner and licensees know that generation Statements of Advice (SoAs) is a tedious and time-consuming task. They also know that sometimes external paraplanners’ sudden departure can cause business disruptions.

Bill came to Asendium after his senior external paraplanner left and he had over 10 Statements of Advice (SoA) to produce. He needed a solution that allowed him to generate unlimited SoAs in house, without the reliance on external paraplanners so that his revenue and business never stopped.

Asendium is a financial planning software designed to help financial planning professionals generate unlimited pieces of advice in-house efficiently. Bill’s primary goal was to spend more time getting the best outcome for his clients and less time dealing with paperwork. With Asendium, he was able to achieve this and more.

“Asendium delivers where all other SoA providers have failed. When I generate an SoA from Asendium, I don’t end up with a sea of blue and red text to post-edit.”

Olive Grove Financial Advice
Bill Savellis


The Technology Review

When conducting his technology review, Bill knew he wanted to move away from all-in-one solutions. He found that they often overpromise and underdeliver on efficiencies. Instead, he opted for a CRM that was easy to use and not overly complicated.

The Research

To conduct his research, Bill used Asendium’s deep integrations with Omnium and ProductRex. These integrations allowed him to access all the data he needed in just 15 minutes. The transfer of data between these systems was seamless, and the integrations are a part of Asendium’s monthly subscription.

The SoA Production

Because our financial planning software had an SoA in our system that met Bill’s needs. He was able to get started from day one. He was happy to find that every SoA produced from Asendium came back with the same level of high quality and detail, regardless of the user. Asendium is designed to build the SoA faster than other solutions on the market.

Using Asendium, Bill cleared his backlog of SoAs and reduced his overall post-editing time; something that Asendium delivers above other technologies on the market.

The Learning Curve

Like most professionals, Bill found it challenging to find the time to learn the solution. However, once he dedicated some time to learning Asendium, Bill and his team found it to be intuitive and easy to implement.


Asendium has allowed Bill and his team to focus on the best interests of his clients as our digital advice software took care of the heaving lifting and enabled him to provide clear and understandable advice to clients.

Asendium is the ultimate financial planning software for financial planners, paraplanners and licensees who want to increase their efficiency and streamline their processes. With faster, high quality SoA production, and seamless integrations, financial planning professionals can be confident in the quality of the work they product.

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